All Classes and Interfaces

Fired before a chat message is about to be sent to a Discord channel.
Fired before a message is about to be sent to a Discord channel.
Fired before a message is relayed to Minecraft.
A class which provides numerous methods to interact with EssentialsX Discord.
Represents a interaction channel argument as a guild channel.
Represents a command to be registered with the Discord client.
Represents an argument for a command to be shown to Discord users.
Represents an argument type to be shown on the Discord client.
A class which provides numerous methods to interact with Discord slash commands.
Represents a triggered interaction event.
A class which provides information about what triggered an interaction event.
Thrown when an error occurs during an operation dealing with Discord interactions.
Represents the interaction command executor as a guild member.
Represents a role of an interaction member.
Indicates the type of message being sent and its literal channel name used in the config.
Default MessageTypes provided and documented by EssentialsX Discord.
Unstable methods that may vary with our implementation.