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abandonRequests() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.WrappedWebhookClient
ACTION - Static variable in class
ACTIVE_WEBHOOKS - Static variable in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordUtil
addArgument(InteractionCommandArgument) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionCommandImpl
ADVANCED_RELAY_NAME - Static variable in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordUtil
ADVANCEMENT - Static variable in class
AFK - Static variable in class
ALL_MENTIONS_WEBHOOK - Static variable in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordUtil
append(LogEvent) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.ConsoleInjector


BOOLEAN - Enum constant in enum
BukkitChatListener - Class in net.essentialsx.discord.listeners
BukkitChatListener(JDADiscordService) - Constructor for class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.BukkitChatListener
BukkitListener - Class in net.essentialsx.discord.listeners
BukkitListener(JDADiscordService) - Constructor for class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.BukkitListener


canInteract() - Method in interface
Whether this role can be given to other members by the current logged in bot.
canInteract() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionRoleImpl
CHANNEL - Enum constant in enum
CHAT - Static variable in class
close() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.WrappedWebhookClient
Commanddiscord - Class in net.essentialsx.discord.commands
Commanddiscord() - Constructor for class net.essentialsx.discord.commands.Commanddiscord
Commanddiscordbroadcast - Class in net.essentialsx.discord.commands
Commanddiscordbroadcast() - Constructor for class net.essentialsx.discord.commands.Commanddiscordbroadcast
CONSOLE_RELAY_NAME - Static variable in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordUtil
ConsoleInjector - Class in net.essentialsx.discord.util
ConsoleInjector(JDADiscordService) - Constructor for class net.essentialsx.discord.util.ConsoleInjector
createWebhook(TextChannel, String) - Static method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordUtil
Creates a webhook with the given name in the given channel.


DEATH - Static variable in class
DefaultTypes() - Constructor for class
DiscordChatMessageEvent - Class in
Fired before a chat message is about to be sent to a Discord channel.
DiscordChatMessageEvent(Player, String, ChatType) - Constructor for class
DiscordCommandDispatcher - Class in net.essentialsx.discord.listeners
DiscordCommandDispatcher(JDADiscordService) - Constructor for class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.DiscordCommandDispatcher
DiscordCommandSender - Class in net.essentialsx.discord.util
DiscordCommandSender(JDADiscordService, ConsoleCommandSender, DiscordCommandSender.CmdCallback) - Constructor for class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordCommandSender
DiscordCommandSender.CmdCallback - Interface in net.essentialsx.discord.util
DiscordListener - Class in net.essentialsx.discord.listeners
DiscordListener(JDADiscordService) - Constructor for class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.DiscordListener
DiscordMessageEvent - Class in
Fired before a message is about to be sent to a Discord channel.
DiscordMessageEvent(MessageType, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
DiscordMessageEvent(MessageType, String, boolean, String, String, UUID) - Constructor for class
DiscordMessageRecipient - Class in net.essentialsx.discord.util
DiscordMessageRecipient(InteractionMember) - Constructor for class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordMessageRecipient
DiscordRelayEvent - Class in
Fired before a message is relayed to Minecraft.
DiscordRelayEvent(InteractionMember, InteractionChannel, List<String>, String, String, List<IUser>) - Constructor for class
DiscordService - Interface in
A class which provides numerous methods to interact with EssentialsX Discord.
DiscordSettings - Class in net.essentialsx.discord
DiscordSettings(EssentialsDiscord) - Constructor for class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
DiscordUtil - Class in net.essentialsx.discord.util
dispatchDiscordMessage(JDADiscordService, MessageType, String, boolean, String, String, UUID) - Static method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordUtil


EssentialsChatListener - Class in net.essentialsx.discord.listeners
EssentialsChatListener(JDADiscordService) - Constructor for class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.EssentialsChatListener
EssentialsDiscord - Class in net.essentialsx.discord
EssentialsDiscord() - Constructor for class net.essentialsx.discord.EssentialsDiscord
ExecuteCommand - Class in net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.commands
ExecuteCommand(JDADiscordService) - Constructor for class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.commands.ExecuteCommand


FIRST_JOIN - Static variable in class
formatMessage(MessageFormat, Object...) - Static method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.MessageUtil
Shortcut method allowing for use of varags in MessageFormat instances


getActionFormat(Player) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getAdminSnowflakes() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionCommandImpl
getAdvancementFormat(Player) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getAfkFormat(Player) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getArguments() - Method in interface
Gets the list of arguments registered to this command.
getArguments() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionCommandImpl
getAsMention() - Method in interface
Gets the discord mention of this member.
getAsMention() - Method in interface
Gets the mention of this role.
getAsMention() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionMemberImpl
getAsMention() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionRoleImpl
getAvatarUrl() - Method in class
Gets the avatar URL to use for this message, or null if none is specified.
getAvatarUrl(JDADiscordService, Player) - Static method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordUtil
getAvatarURL() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getBooleanArgument(String) - Method in interface
Helper method to get the Boolean representation of the argument by the given key or null if none by that key is present.
getBooleanArgument(String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionEventImpl
getBotToken() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getChannel() - Method in class
Gets the Discord channel the message was sent in.
getChannel(String, boolean) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
getChannelArgument(String) - Method in interface
Helper method to get the channel representation of the argument by the given key or null if none by that key is present.
getChannelArgument(String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionEventImpl
getChannelId() - Method in interface
Gets the channel ID where this interaction occurred.
getChannelId() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionEventImpl
getChannelId(String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getChannelNames() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getChatDiscordMaxLength() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getChatType() - Method in class
Type of chat of the original message.
getColorRaw() - Method in interface
Gets the raw RGB color value of this role.
getColorRaw() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionRoleImpl
getCommand(String) - Method in interface
Gets the command with the given name or null if no command by that name exists.
getCommand(String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionControllerImpl
getCommandAdminSnowflakes(String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getCommandSnowflakes(String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getConsoleChannelDef() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getConsoleFilters() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getConsoleFormat() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getConsoleLogLevel() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getConsoleSkipDelay() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getConsoleWebhook() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
getConsoleWebhookName() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getDeathFormat(Player) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getDefinedChannel(String, boolean) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
getDescription() - Method in interface
Gets the brief description of the command as it appears in Discord.
getDescription() - Method in class
Gets the description of this argument.
getDescription() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionCommandImpl
getDiscordFilters() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getDiscordRolesBlacklist() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getDiscordToMcFormat() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getDiscordUrl() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getDiscriminator() - Method in interface
Gets the four numbers after the # in the member's username.
getDiscriminator() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionMemberImpl
getDisplayName() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordMessageRecipient
getEffectiveName() - Method in interface
Gets the nickname of this member or their username if they don't have one.
getEffectiveName() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionMemberImpl
getEss() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.EssentialsDiscord
getFirstJoinFormat(Player) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getFormattedMessage() - Method in class
Gets the formatted message that will be sent to Minecraft.
getGroupNames() - Method in class
Gets the message type group keys.
getGuild() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
getGuildId() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHighestRole(JDADiscordService, Member, Predicate<Role>) - Static method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordUtil
getId() - Method in interface
Gets the ID of this channel.
getId() - Method in interface
Gets the ID of this member.
getId() - Method in interface
Gets the ID of this role.
getId() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionChannelImpl
getId() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionMemberImpl
getId() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionRoleImpl
getIntegerArgument(String) - Method in interface
Get the Long representation of the argument by the given key or null if none by that key is present.
getIntegerArgument(String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionEventImpl
getInteractionController() - Method in interface
Gets the InteractionController instance.
getInteractionController() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
getInvertDiscordRoleBlacklist() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getInviteUrl() - Method in interface
Gets the Discord invite URL given in the EssentialsX Discord configuration.
getInviteUrl() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
getJda() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
getJDAInstance() - Method in interface
Gets the JDA instance associated with this EssentialsX Discord instance, if available.
getJdaObject() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionChannelImpl
getJdaObject() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionMemberImpl
getJdaObject() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionRoleImpl
getJoinFormat(Player) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getKey() - Method in class
Gets the key used in message-types section of the config.
getKeysFromChannelId(long) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getKickFormat() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getLegacyNameFormat() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getMcToDiscordFormat(Player) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getMcToDiscordFormat(Player, ChatType) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getMcToDiscordNameFormat(Player) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getMember() - Method in class
Gets the Discord member that sent the message.
getMember() - Method in interface
Gets the member which caused this event.
getMember() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionEventImpl
getMemberById(String) - Method in interface
Gets an InteractionMember by their Discord ID.
getMemberById(String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
getMessage() - Method in class
The message being sent in this chat event.
getMessage() - Method in class
Gets the raw message content that is about to be sent to Discord.
getMessageChannel(String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getName() - Method in class
Gets the name to use for this message, or null if none is specified.
getName() - Method in interface
Gets the name of this channel.
getName() - Method in interface
Gets the name of this command as it appears in Discord.
getName() - Method in class
Gets the name of this argument.
getName() - Method in interface
Gets the username of this member.
getName() - Method in interface
Gets the name of this role.
getName() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionChannelImpl
getName() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionCommandImpl
getName() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionMemberImpl
getName() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionRoleImpl
getName() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordMessageRecipient
getNickname() - Method in interface
Gets the nickname of this member or null if they do not have one.
getNickname() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionMemberImpl
getOrCreateWebhook(TextChannel, String) - Static method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordUtil
Gets or creates a webhook with the given name in the given channel.
getPermittedFormattingRoles() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getPermMuteFormat() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getPermMuteReasonFormat() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getPlayer() - Method in class
The player which caused this chat message.
getPlugin() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
getPrimaryChannelId() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getQuitFormat(Player) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getRawMessage() - Method in class
Gets the raw message sent from Discord.
getRelayToConsoleList() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getReplyRecipient() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordMessageRecipient
getRole(String) - Method in interface
Gets an InteractionRole by its Discord ID.
getRole(String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
getRoleAlias(Role) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getRoleArgument(String) - Method in interface
Helper method to get the role representation of the argument by the given key or null if none by that key is present.
getRoleArgument(String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionEventImpl
getRoleColorFormat(JDADiscordService, Member) - Static method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordUtil
Gets the uppermost bukkit color code of a given member or an empty string if the server version is < 1.16.
getRoleFormat(JDADiscordService, Member) - Static method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordUtil
Gets the highest role of a given member or an empty string if the member has no roles.
getSender() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordCommandSender
getSettings() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.EssentialsDiscord
getSettings() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
getStartMessage() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getStatus() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getStatusActivity() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getStopMessage() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getStringArgument(String) - Method in interface
Get the value of the argument matching the given key represented as a String, or null if no argument by that name is present.
getStringArgument(String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionEventImpl
getTabCompleteOptions(Server, CommandSource, String, String[]) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.commands.Commanddiscordbroadcast
getTag() - Method in interface
Gets this member's name and discriminator split by a #.
getTempMuteFormat() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getTempMuteReasonFormat() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getType() - Method in class
Gets the type of this message.
getType() - Method in class
Gets the type of this argument.
getUnAfkFormat(Player) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getUnmuteFormat() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
getUnsafe() - Method in interface
Gets unstable API that is subject to change at any time.
getUnsafe() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
getUserArgument(String) - Method in interface
Helper method to get the user representation of the argument by the given key or null if none by that key is present.
getUserArgument(String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionEventImpl
getUUID() - Method in class
Gets the UUID of the player which caused this event, or null if it wasn't a player triggered event.
getUUID() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordMessageRecipient
getViewers() - Method in class
Gets the users that will be sent the relayed message.
getWebhookClient(long, String, OkHttpClient) - Static method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordUtil
Creates a WebhookClient.
getWebhookMessage(String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
getWebhookMessage(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
getWrappedLogger() - Static method in class net.essentialsx.discord.EssentialsDiscord


hasRole(String) - Method in interface
Returns true if the user has a role by the specified ID.
hasRole(String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionMemberImpl
hasRole(InteractionRole) - Method in interface
Returns true if the user has the specified role.
hasRole(InteractionRole) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionMemberImpl
hasRoles(List<String>) - Method in interface
Returns true if the user has one of the specified roles.
hasRoles(List<String>) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionMemberImpl
hasRoles(Member, List<String>) - Static method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordUtil
Checks is the supplied user has at least one of the supplied roles.


INTEGER - Enum constant in enum
InteractionChannel - Interface in
Represents a interaction channel argument as a guild channel.
InteractionChannelImpl - Class in net.essentialsx.discord.interactions
InteractionChannelImpl(GuildMessageChannel) - Constructor for class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionChannelImpl
InteractionCommand - Interface in
Represents a command to be registered with the Discord client.
InteractionCommandArgument - Class in
Represents an argument for a command to be shown to Discord users.
InteractionCommandArgument(String, String, InteractionCommandArgumentType, boolean) - Constructor for class
Builds a command argument.
InteractionCommandArgumentType - Enum in
Represents an argument type to be shown on the Discord client.
InteractionCommandImpl - Class in net.essentialsx.discord.interactions
InteractionCommandImpl(JDADiscordService, String, String) - Constructor for class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionCommandImpl
InteractionController - Interface in
A class which provides numerous methods to interact with Discord slash commands.
InteractionControllerImpl - Class in net.essentialsx.discord.interactions
InteractionControllerImpl(JDADiscordService) - Constructor for class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionControllerImpl
InteractionEvent - Interface in
Represents a triggered interaction event.
InteractionEventImpl - Class in net.essentialsx.discord.interactions
A class which provides information about what triggered an interaction event.
InteractionEventImpl(SlashCommandInteractionEvent) - Constructor for class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionEventImpl
InteractionException - Exception Class in
Thrown when an error occurs during an operation dealing with Discord interactions.
InteractionException(String) - Constructor for exception class
InteractionMember - Interface in
Represents the interaction command executor as a guild member.
InteractionMemberImpl - Class in net.essentialsx.discord.interactions
InteractionMemberImpl(Member) - Constructor for class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionMemberImpl
InteractionRole - Interface in
Represents a role of an interaction member.
InteractionRoleImpl - Class in net.essentialsx.discord.interactions
InteractionRoleImpl(Role) - Constructor for class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionRoleImpl
isAdmin() - Method in interface
Checks if this member has the administrator permission on Discord.
isAdmin() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionMemberImpl
isAllowGroupMentions() - Method in class
Checks if this message allows pinging of roles/@here/@everyone.
isAlwaysReceivePrimary() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
isChatFilterNewlines() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
isCommandEnabled(String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
isCommandEphemeral(String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
isConsoleBotCommandRelay() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
isConsoleCommandRelay() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
isDebug() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
isDefaultColor() - Method in interface
Whether this role's color is the default one (has no color).
isDefaultColor() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionRoleImpl
isDisabled() - Method in interface
Whether or not the command has been disabled and should not be registered at the request of the user.
isDisabled() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionCommandImpl
isEphemeral() - Method in interface
Whether or not the command is ephemeral and if its usage/replies should be private for the user on in Discord client.
isEphemeral() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionCommandImpl
isEssentialsChat() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.EssentialsDiscord
isHiddenFrom(Player) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordMessageRecipient
isInvalidStartup() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.EssentialsDiscord
isInvalidStartup() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
isManaged() - Method in interface
Whether this role is managed by an external integration.
isManaged() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionRoleImpl
isPAPI() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.EssentialsDiscord
isPlayer() - Method in class
Checks if this message type should be beholden to player-specific config settings.
isPublicRole() - Method in interface
Whether this role is the default role given to all users (@everyone).
isPublicRole() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionRoleImpl
isReachable() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordMessageRecipient
isRegistered(String) - Method in interface
Checks if a MessageType by the given key is already registered.
isRegistered(String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
isRemoved() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.ConsoleInjector
isRequired() - Method in class
Whether or not this argument is required or not.
isShowAllChat() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
isShowAvatar() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
isShowBotMessages() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
isShowDiscordAttachments() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
isShowDisplayName() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
isShowName() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
isShowWebhookMessages() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
isShutdown() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.WrappedWebhookClient
isSilentJoinQuit(IUser, String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.BukkitListener
isSilentJoinQuit(Player, String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.BukkitListener
isUseEssentialsEvents() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
isVanishFakeJoinLeave() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
isVanishHideMessages() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings


jda - Variable in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionCommandImpl
JDADiscordService - Class in net.essentialsx.discord
JDADiscordService(EssentialsDiscord) - Constructor for class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
JOIN - Static variable in class


KICK - Static variable in class


LEAVE - Static variable in class
ListCommand - Class in net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.commands
ListCommand(JDADiscordService) - Constructor for class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.commands.ListCommand
LOCAL - Static variable in class


matchesRole(Role, String) - Static method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordUtil
Checks if the provided role matches the provided role definition (string representation of id or the role's name)
MessageCommand - Class in net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.commands
MessageCommand(JDADiscordService) - Constructor for class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.commands.MessageCommand
MessageType - Class in
Indicates the type of message being sent and its literal channel name used in the config.
MessageType(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a MessageType which will send channels to the specified channel key.
MessageType.DefaultTypes - Class in
Default MessageTypes provided and documented by EssentialsX Discord.
MessageUtil - Class in net.essentialsx.discord.util
modifyMemberRoles(InteractionMember, Collection<InteractionRole>, Collection<InteractionRole>) - Method in interface
Adds or removes roles to the given InteractionMember.
modifyMemberRoles(InteractionMember, Collection<InteractionRole>, Collection<InteractionRole>) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
MUTE - Static variable in class

N - package - package
net.essentialsx.discord - package net.essentialsx.discord
net.essentialsx.discord.commands - package net.essentialsx.discord.commands
net.essentialsx.discord.interactions - package net.essentialsx.discord.interactions
net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.commands - package net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.commands
net.essentialsx.discord.listeners - package net.essentialsx.discord.listeners
net.essentialsx.discord.util - package net.essentialsx.discord.util
NO_GROUP_MENTIONS - Static variable in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordUtil
NO_GROUP_MENTIONS_WEBHOOK - Static variable in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordUtil


onAction(UserActionEvent) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.BukkitListener
onAdvancement(AbstractAchievementEvent) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.BukkitListener
onAfk(AfkStatusChangeEvent) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.BukkitListener
onChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.BukkitChatListener
onChatMonitor(AbstractChatEvent) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.PaperChatListener
onCommand(InteractionEvent) - Method in interface
Called when an interaction command is received from Discord.
onCommand(InteractionEvent) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.commands.ExecuteCommand
onCommand(InteractionEvent) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.commands.ListCommand
onCommand(InteractionEvent) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.commands.MessageCommand
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.EssentialsDiscord
onDeath(PlayerDeathEvent) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.BukkitListener
onDisable() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.EssentialsDiscord
onDiscordMessage(DiscordMessageEvent) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.BukkitListener
Processes messages from all other events.
onEnable() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.EssentialsDiscord
onGlobalChat(GlobalChatEvent) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.EssentialsChatListener
onJoin(AsyncUserDataLoadEvent) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.BukkitListener
onKick(PlayerKickEvent) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.BukkitListener
onLocalChat(LocalChatEvent) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.EssentialsChatListener
onMessage(String) - Method in interface net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordCommandSender.CmdCallback
onMessageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.DiscordCommandDispatcher
onMessageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.DiscordListener
onMute(MuteStatusChangeEvent) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.BukkitListener
onQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.BukkitListener
onReceiveMessage(IMessageRecipient, String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordMessageRecipient
onReload() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.EssentialsDiscord
onSlashCommandInteraction(SlashCommandInteractionEvent) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionControllerImpl
onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.EssentialsDiscord
onVanishStatusChange(VanishStatusChangeEvent) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.BukkitListener


PaperChatListener - Class in net.essentialsx.discord.listeners
PaperChatListener(JDADiscordService) - Constructor for class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.PaperChatListener
parseMessageEmotes(String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
processBatchRegistration() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionControllerImpl


QUESTION - Static variable in class


registerCommand(InteractionCommand) - Method in interface
Registers the given slash command with Discord.
registerCommand(InteractionCommand) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionControllerImpl
registerMessageType(Plugin, MessageType) - Method in interface
Registers a message type to be used in the future.
registerMessageType(Plugin, MessageType) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
reloadConfig() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.DiscordSettings
remove() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.ConsoleInjector
reply(String) - Method in interface
Appends the given string to the initial response message and creates one if it doesn't exist.
reply(String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionEventImpl
replyTl(String, Object...) - Method in interface
Appends the given string to the initial response message and creates one if it doesn't exist.
replyTl(String, Object...) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionEventImpl
ROLE - Enum constant in enum
run(Server, CommandSource, String, String[]) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.commands.Commanddiscord
run(Server, CommandSource, String, String[]) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.commands.Commanddiscordbroadcast


sanitizeDiscordMarkdown(String) - Static method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.MessageUtil
Sanitizes text to be sent to Discord, escaping any Markdown syntax.
send(WebhookMessage) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.WrappedWebhookClient
sendChatMessage(ChatType, Player, String) - Method in interface
Sends a chat message to the appropriate chat channel depending on the chat type with the format specified for that type in the EssentialsX Discord configuration.
sendChatMessage(ChatType, Player, String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
sendChatMessage(Player, String) - Method in interface
Sends a chat message to the default chat channel with the same format used for regular chat messages specified in the EssentialsX Discord configuration.
sendChatMessage(Player, String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
sendJoinQuitMessage(Player, String, MessageType) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.BukkitListener
sendMessage(IMessageRecipient, String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordMessageRecipient
sendMessage(String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordMessageRecipient
sendMessage(DiscordMessageEvent, String, boolean) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
sendMessage(MessageType, String, boolean) - Method in interface
Sends a message to a message type channel.
sendMessage(MessageType, String, boolean) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
sendPrivateMessage(String) - Method in interface
Sends a private message to this member with the given content.
sendPrivateMessage(String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionMemberImpl
sendTl(String, Object...) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordMessageRecipient
SERVER_START - Static variable in class
SERVER_STOP - Static variable in class
setAllowGroupMentions(boolean) - Method in class
Sets if this message is allowed to ping roles/@here/@everyone.
setAvatarUrl(String) - Method in class
Sets the avatar URL for this message, or null to use the bot's avatar.
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setChannelId(String) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.listeners.DiscordCommandDispatcher
setFormattedMessage(String) - Method in class
Sets the formatted message that will be sent to Minecraft.
setMessage(String) - Method in class
Sets the message of this event, and thus the chat message relayed to Discord.
setMessage(String) - Method in class
Sets the raw message content to be sent to Discord.
setName(String) - Method in class
Sets the name for this message, or null to use the bot's name.
setReplyRecipient(IMessageRecipient) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordMessageRecipient
setType(MessageType) - Method in class
Sets the message type and therefore its destination.
SHOUT - Static variable in class
shutdown() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionControllerImpl
shutdown() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
startup() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
STRING - Enum constant in enum


tlSender(String, Object...) - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.util.DiscordMessageRecipient
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.interactions.InteractionRoleImpl


Unsafe - Interface in
Unstable methods that may vary with our implementation.
updateConsoleRelay() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
updateListener() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
updatePresence() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
updatePrimaryChannel() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
updateTypesRelay() - Method in class net.essentialsx.discord.JDADiscordService
USER - Enum constant in enum


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in class
Gets an array of all the default MessageTypes.


WrappedWebhookClient - Class in net.essentialsx.discord.util
WrappedWebhookClient(long, String, OkHttpClient) - Constructor for class net.essentialsx.discord.util.WrappedWebhookClient
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W 
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